Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Camp Button


I took another class with Carla Sonheim, one of my favorite on-line teachers.  This class was called "Faces! 101"  -- which stands for the 101 faces she hoped we'd do in a week!!!  We worked like dogs (see camp button):  fast, slow, messy, neat, realistic, abstract....from photos, models, and imagination....with pencil, ink, watercolor, charcoal, pastels, and more, much of which was NEW, HARD, and FUN.  I'll put a few examples of my efforts below:
a first attempt with conte crayon, day 5

One assignment was to draw a face without lifting the pen from the paper.  Here's my 11th attempt, finally washed with a damp brush to shade the drawing a bit.  This is MUCH harder than it looks.
Only one line with marker, day 3
And from Day 1 when I opened my first box of water color paints:
my first attempts with watercolors, day 1

In an earlier post, I wrote about my first course with Carla (The Art of Silliness), but I also want to tell you about her book:
           Drawing Lab for Multi-Media Artists:  52 creative exercises to make drawing fun!   
Available on Amazon or from     I doubt you will find more fun for $23!